Sunday, February 22, 2009


I stayed at the dormitory today. My lunch date with Emmy (the parrot) was cancelled. hehe. And tomorrow, she'll be out of the country! toinks! Anyhow, aside from working in front of the laptop the whole afternoon, I watched the series of Land Before Time (yeah, the cartoon dinosaurs that I've been watching since elementary!!!). ^_^ I also watched The Accidental Husband and The Family Man. The latter was played by Nicholas Cage, and got this quote:

"Dont screw up the best thing in ur life,
just because you're a little unsure about who you are."

Bang! The words just struck me. It made me think of what's the best thing in my life right now, (that I seem to take for granted. Or not notice, perhaps.)

Errr.... im thinking. thinking. (Yeah, I really seem not to notice it.)

I am not into analyzing words right now, but it sure hits a bulls-eye!

QUOTE: "Dont screw up the best thing in your life, just because you're a little unsure about who you are." - The Family Man (Nicholas Cage)

LESSON LEARNED: When you're given enough time to do the task, do it early. (hehe!)


  1. super bull's eye ba... ahahaha.. igo ko lyn sa imo lesson learned... have to go :) just dropping by :)

  2. JIREH: And because of that, CHEERS! hahaha... Kundi tambakan ta work. haha! :-p Thanks for dropping by, ji! :)
